About Me

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Thank you for visiting my blog. I’m a scholar of television, film, and digital media, and the author of CINEMA OF CONFINEMENT (Northwestern University Press) and CAPTURING DIGITAL MEDIA (Bloomsbury Academic). I’ve published a variety of articles on film and television in journals published by Taylor & Francis. I am also a writer of fiction. All of my books can be viewed on www.tomconnellyfiction.com
Showing posts with label Bill Willingham. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bill Willingham. Show all posts

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Fables - The Great Crossover

For the past two years, I have been reading the comic book series Fables, which I highly recommend. If you enjoy the television show Once Upon A Time, you'll find some similarities in both story worlds. I just finished reading "The Great Crossover" (Volume 13) and was amazed of Willingham et al's. creative fusion of literary subjects in these 9 issues.

The story basically centers on Kevin Thorn aka "The Storymaker" who wants to re-write the universe with his magic pen. To do this, he draws upon the "genres," which are played by characters such as western, blockbuster, comedy, noir, and science-fiction. The Fables team, with the help of "The Literals," try to stop Thorn before he re-writes them out of existence! This was a fun and engrossing read. In fact, if you plan to read Fables, I suggest starting at the beginning.  Another gem from Vertigo comics.

Newsletter #1

 Welcome to my first newsletter 2024 Recap and Rise of the Creepers 2024 was a great year for me in terms of book sales and Kindle Unlimited...